Monday, February 11, 2013

How I Survived Middle School

                 Mrs. Ebarb, Jenny is a very helpful girl who loves to be creative.  On the first day of middle school, she was terrified!  Jenny ended up eating in the phone booth in their lunch room because her best friend Addie, did not save her a seat like she did in elementary.  Addie is a giant horrible bully to Jenny just out of the blue!   Jenny has no absouloute idea what all that is about.  But Jenny is the kind of girl that you would want to hang around, she is always coming up with new things to do, she is not just thinking about herself  like Addie does.  What Jenny didn't know is that middle school is a whole different game plan than elementary school.  You have to hang with the right kind of people. Not geeks with pops right? I mean pops as in popular.  If you need advice, roll on over to Jenny. All of Jennys friends ask for her advice. As you can see, Jenny is a very extrodinary and intelligent girl.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My Family Tradition


                   On my cousins birthdays all the rest of the cousins will go to my nannie and nana's house.  We celabrate our cousins birthday by eating the cake that the birthday boy or girl chose.  Of course we sing happy birthday too! Then after we sing happy birthday and eat the cake, we either go outside in the front yard and play or we stay inside and go play upstairs.  Whenever we all leave, we all wish the birthday boy or girl a happy birthday just one more time!

Thank you for reading, happy blogging! Aleena

Monday, October 29, 2012

A President...

        The kind of president I think would be right is, He is NOT going to back down when something goes wrong.  For example, he would not back down if he saw their was children on the streets without food or something to keep them warm.  The right thing to do would be to send the children to either a shelter home or to someone that will absolutely take care of them.  Also what I am looking for in a president is he will not say something and promise that it will absolutely happen but then it doesn't happen.  He needs to say it and when he says it, he NEEDS to mean it.  I really hope the president that we get includes the things that I have said.